Hematología del Galgo Español utilizando el analizador hematológico LaserCyte (IDEXX)
Blood gas analysis and cooximetry in retired racing Greyhounds
Serum concentrations of IgG, IgA, and IgM in retired racing Greyhound dogs
Prevalence of Dog Erythrocyte Antigens in Retired Racing Greyhounds
Canine Platelet Transfusions
Serum Cardiac Troponin I Concentration in Retired Racing Greyhounds
Serum protein electrophoresis in retired racing Greyhounds
Serum Creatinine Concentrations in Retired Racing Greyhounds
Morphologic characterization of specific granules in Greyhound eosinophils
Postoperative Bleeding in Retired Racing Greyhounds
Thromboelastographic Tracings in Retired Racing Greyhounds and in Non-Greyhound Dogs
Vertebral Heart Size In Retired Racing Greyhounds